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What is involved in shingle roof repair?

Depending on the type of damage your roof has sustained, shingle roof repair can be beneficial. A professional roofer can remove the damaged shingles and replace with new shingles. If the wood underneath is rotten, the roofer will also replace the boards beneath the shingles if needed. That may mean they will have to remove…
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When should I call a professional roofer?

Getting on your roof requires the proper ladder and equipment. Depending on the pitch of your roof, it can be dangerous to climb on it yourself. Amelia Island Roofing suggests that you use a professional roofer for all shingle roof repairs. If you have a low enough pitch, general maintenance can be handled by the…
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How long will my roof last?

As long as the roof was installed the right way, it should last up to 20 years. The life expectancy may go down in high wind areas or if your home has sustained storm damage. Some types of roofs can last longer if properly maintained. This can include copper, slate, or clay tile roofs. When…
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